

YSlow給如何提高網頁效率和優化網站性能提供了22條建議,其中有一條是關于域名的:Use cookie-free domains。
使用 cookie-free domains 有什麽好處呢?當用戶瀏覽器發送一個靜態文件,如圖片image、CSS樣式表文件時會同時發送同一個域名(或二級域名)下的cookies,但是網站服 務器對發送過來的cookies完全不予理會,因此這些沒用的cookies白白浪費了網站帶寬,影響網站加載速度和網頁性能表現。YSlow建議爲瞭解 决這個問題,就可以通過使用 cookie-free domains 的方法來做優化,從而提高網頁效率。
使用二級域名作爲cookie-free domains
通俗地說,所謂的 cookie-free domains 就是在瀏覽器發送靜態內容的請求時不會發送cookies 的域名。YSlow提示可以申請注册一個二級域名專門用來儲存這些靜態圖片、JS、靜態CSS文件。
在前面泛域名解析設置影響seo和Google PR值這裏提到了www開頭,形如www.haohtml.com的域名實際上也是屬于二級域名。如果你的網站主域名是www開頭的域名,建立一個二級域 名作爲單獨儲存(hosting)靜態圖片、JS、CSS文件的cookie-free domains 是可行的;但是如果網站主域名用的是比較短的頂級域名,如遠方博客用的是不帶www的頂級域名,使用新創建的二級域名作爲 cookie-free domains的方法是無效的。因爲頂級域名haohtml.com會向所有被請求的靜態文件二級域名服務器發送cookies。
即 和 blog.haohtml.com是互相獨立的兩個“二級域名”,不會造成域名污染, 可以作爲cookie-free 域名;但是需要做一些設置,比如下面介紹的Wordpress 博客設置wp-config.php文件的實例。
頂級域名 會向所有被請求的二級域名(子域名:www.haohtml.com和發送 cookies, 也會被污染,不能當作cookie-free 域名。具體原因在下面Wordpress 博客cookie-free domains設置中有介紹。
使用獨立域名作爲cookie-free domains
那麽使用頂級域名的博客應該如何使用 cookie-free domains?解决方法是使用另外一個獨立域名。比如雅虎Yahoo! 自身使用的是就是獨立域名ymig.com來作爲cookie-free domains的,YouTube使用的是 獨立域名。
現在注册一個域名也很便宜的,godaddy 域名以.com .info .org .net 後綴的域名第一年購買都很便宜,第二年續費比較貴,這時候第二年可以再換一個新的。其他一些域名注册商也差不多這樣。
WordPress 博客cookie-free domains 設置
在Wordpress 博客中,針對使用帶www域名作爲網站主域名,其他二級域名作爲cookie-free domains 的情况,還要再另外設置Cookie的作用域就可以了。打開wp-config.php文件,設置COOKIE_DOMAIN:
<php? define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’); ?> 所謂的COOKIE_DOMAIN,就是cookie-free domains相反的意思。看看Wordpress 對Set Cookie Domain 的介紹:
爲Wordpress設置的COOKIES Domain 可以進行一些特殊情况下的域名設置。比如使用二級域名存放靜態內容。爲了阻止Wordpress Cookies 在對每一個二級域名上的靜態內容請求時被傳送,我們可以只設置非靜態域名爲cookie domian。
The domain set in the cookies for WordPress can be specified for those with unusual domain setups. One reason is if subdomains are used to serve static content. To prevent WordPress cookies from being sent with each request to static content on your subdomain you can set the cookie domain to your non-static domain only.
設置COOKIE_DOMAIN就可以指定哪個二級域名需要傳送cookies,其他的域名不發送cookies。所以如果我們的網站主域名用的是 頂級域名,COOKIE_DOMAIN就必須設置爲頂級域名haohtml.com了,而頂級域名的設置會映射到各個子域名,所以即使另外添加二級域名作 爲cookie-free domains 也無效了。這時只能另外注册一個獨立的頂級域名。

linux 設定一張網卡有兩個以上的ip

linux 設定一張網卡有兩個以上的ip

但都架在同一台Linux中,Windows Server可以從網路設定這邊加入其它組IP,當然Linux也可以!
會看到 ifcfg-eth0 ,這表示是你的第一張網卡,把這的檔案複製後貼上,檔名改成
ifcfg-0:0 (加入第二個IP,由0..1..2..3…有幾個IP就加到幾 如 ifcfg-0:6 表示第8的IP,記得從0開始)
IPADDR=”改成你第二個IP” ←只要改這個


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Norton DNS 開放測試,提供更快、更安全的上網體驗

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Norton DNS Beta 提供的 DNS 位址為: 及 。






strrpos() 和 strripos()如今使用整個字符串作爲 needle.

非法使用字符串偏移量會導致 E_ERROR 而不是 E_WARNING.一個非法使用的例子:$str = ‘abc’; unset($str[0]);.

array_merge() 被改成隻接受數組。如果傳遞入非數組變量,對每個此類參數都會發出一條 E_WARNING 信息。要小心因爲你的代碼有可能瘋狂發出 E_WARNING.

PATH_TRANSLATED 服務器變量在 Apache2 SAPI 中不再暗中設定,這和 PHP 4 中的情形相反,如果 Apache 沒産生此值則其被設爲和 SCRIPT_FILENAME 服務器變量一樣的值。此修改是爲了遵守CGI 規範。更多信息參考手册中 $_SERVER[‘PATH_TRANSLATED’] 的說明。此問題也影響到 PHP >= 4.3.2 的版本。

Tokenizer 擴展不再定義T_ML_COMMENT 常量。如果把 error_reporting 設爲 E_ALL,PHP 將産生一條消息。儘管 T_ML_COMMENT 從來都沒用到過,還是在 PHP 4 中定義了。在 PHP 4 和 PHP 5 中 // 和 都被解析爲 T_COMMENT 常量。但是 PHPDoc 風格的注釋 ,自 PHP 5 開始被 PHP 解析,被識別爲 T_DOC_COMMENT.

如果 variables_order 包括“S”,$_SERVER 應該帶有 argc 和 argv 被産生。如果用戶特別配製系統不創建 $_SERVER,那此變量當然就不存在了。改變的地方是不管 variables_order 怎麽設定,在 CLI 版本中 argc 和 argv 總是可用的。本來 CLI 版不是總會産生全局變量 $argc 和 $argv 的。


有些情况下類必須在使用前被定義。這僅在使用了一些 PHP 5 的新特性(例如 interfaces)的時候發生。其它情况下行爲都沒變。

get_class(),get_parent_class() 和 get_class_methods() 如今返回的類/方法名和定義時的名字一致(區分大小寫),對于依賴以前行爲(類/方法名總是返回小寫的)的老脚本可能産生問題。一個可能的解决方法是在脚本中搜索所有這些函數幷使用 strtolower()。

區分大小寫的改變也適用于魔術常量 __CLASS__,__METHOD__ 和 __FUNCTION__.其值都會嚴格按照定義時的名字返回(區分大小寫)。

ip2long() 在傳遞入一個非法 IP 作爲參數時返回 FALSE,不再是 -1.

如果有函數定義在包含文件中,則這些函數可以在主文件中使用而與是否在 return() 指令之前還是之後無關。如果文件被包含兩次,PHP 5 會發出致命錯誤,因爲函數已經被定義,而 PHP 4 不管這個。因此推薦使用 include_once() 而不要去檢查文件是否已被包含以及在包含文件中有條件返回。

include_once() 和 require_once() 在 Windows 下先將路徑規格化,因此包含 A.php 和 a.php 只會把文件包含一次。

實例: strrpos() 和 strripos() 如今用整個字符串作爲 needle


實例: 沒有屬性的對象不再被當成“empty”


實例: 有些情况下類必須在使用之前定義



PHP 5 中對 CLI 和 CGI 文件名作了些改變。PHP 5 中,CGI 版本被改名爲 php-cgi.exe(以前是 php.exe),現在主目錄中的是 CLI 版本(之前是 cli/php.exe)。

PHP 5 中引進了一種新模式:php-win.exe.這和 CLI 版本相同,只除了 php-win 不輸出任何內容,因此不會提供控制臺(屏幕上不會閃過“dos 窗口”)。此行爲類似 php-gtk.

PHP 5 中,CLI 版本總會産生全局變量 $argv 和 $argc 而不管 php.ini 是怎麽設的。即使將register_argc_argv設爲 off 也不影響 CLI.



由于 ISAPI 模塊的名字改了,從 php4xxx 改爲 php5xxx,因此需要對配置文件作些修改。CLI 和 CGI 文件名也改了。更多信息請查看相應章節。

移植 Apache 配置極其簡單。照下面的例子來檢查需要做的修改:

實例: 移植 Apache 配置文件到 PHP 5

# 將下麵這行: LoadModule php4_module /php/sapi/php4apache2.dll # 改成這一行: LoadModule php5_module /php/php5apache2.dll

如果 web 服務器是以 CGI 模式運行 PHP 的,應該注意 CGI 版本的名字從 php.exe 改爲了 php-cgi.exe.在 Apache 中,應該照這樣改:

實例: 移植 Apache 配置文件到 PHP 5,CGI 模式

# 將下麵這行: Action application/x-httpd-php “/php/php.exe” # 改成這一行: Action application/x-httpd-php “/php/php-cgi.exe”

其它的 web 服務器中,需要修改 CGI 或者 ISAPI 模塊的名字。


PHP 5 有了些新函數。下麵是列表:


array_combine() – 用一個數組作爲鍵名,另一個數組作爲值創建一個新數組

array_diff_uassoc() – 計算數組的差別,幷用用戶提供的回調函數作附加的索引檢查

array_udiff() – 用回調函數比較數據來計算數組的差別

array_udiff_assoc() – 計算數組的差別幷作附加的索引檢查。用回調函數來比較數據

array_udiff_uassoc() – 計算數組的差別幷作附加的索引檢查。數據的比較和索引檢查都用回調函數來完成

array_walk_recursive() – 對數組的每個成員遞歸使用用戶函數

array_uintersect_assoc() – 計算數組的交集幷作附加的索引檢查。用回調函數來比較數據

array_uintersect_uassoc() – 計算數組的交集幷作附加的索引檢查。數據和索引都用回調函數來比較

array_uintersect() – 計算數組的交集。用回調函數來比較數據


ibase_affected_rows() – 返回前一個查詢影響到的行的數目

ibase_backup() – 在服務管理器中發起一個後臺任務幷立即返回

ibase_commit_ret() – 提交一個事務但不關閉

ibase_db_info() – 請求有關數據庫的統計信息

ibase_drop_db() – 删除一個數據庫

ibase_errcode() – 返回一個錯誤代碼

ibase_free_event_handler() – 取消一個已注册的事件句柄

ibase_gen_id() – 遞增指定的發生器幷返回其新值

ibase_maintain_db() – 在數據庫服務器上執行一條維護命令

ibase_name_result() – 給結果集指定一個名字

ibase_num_params() – 返回一個準備好的查詢的參數數目

ibase_param_info() – 返回一個準備好的查詢的參數信息

ibase_restore() – 在服務管理器中發起一個還原任務幷立即返回

ibase_rollback_ret() – 回卷一筆事務幷保留事務上下文

ibase_server_info() – 請求有關數據庫服務器的統計信息

ibase_service_attach() – 連接到服務管理器

ibase_service_detach() – 從服務管理器斷開

ibase_set_event_handler() – 注册一個當事件發布時要調用的回調函數

ibase_wait_event() – 等待數據庫發布一條事件


iconv_mime_decode() – 解碼 MIME 頭信息字段

iconv_mime_decode_headers() – 一次解碼多個 MIME 頭信息字段

iconv_mime_encode() – 壓縮 MIME 頭信息字段

iconv_strlen() – 返回字符串中的字符計數

iconv_strpos() – 在堆棧中找到第一個出現的子串位置

iconv_strrpos() – 在堆棧中找到最後一個出現的子串位置

iconv_substr() – 從字符串中取出一部分


stream_copy_to_stream() – 把一個流的數據複製到另一個流

stream_get_line() – 根據給定的分隔符中流中讀取一行

stream_socket_accept() – 接受一個由 stream_socket_server() 建立的 socket 連接

stream_socket_client() – 打開一個 Internet 或 Unix 域的 socket 連接

stream_socket_get_name() – 獲取本地或遠程的 sockets 名字

stream_socket_recvfrom() – 從 socket 獲取數據(不管連接是否已經建立)

stream_socket_sendto() – 向 socket 發送一個消息(不管連接是否已經建立)

stream_socket_server() – 建立一個 Internet 或 Unix 域服務器的 socket


idate() – 將本地進間格式化爲整數

date_sunset() – 計算所指定日期和地點的日落時間

date_sunrise() – T計算所指定日期和地點的日出時間

time_nanosleep() – 廷遲執行程若干秒和若干納秒


str_split() – 把一個字符串分割爲數組

strpbrk() – 在一字符串中搜索給定的字符集合中的任意一個字符

substr_compare() – 以二進制的形式比較兩個字符串,從第一個字符串的 offset 開始,直到到達長度爲 length 時結束,可自定義是否大小寫敏感比較


convert_uudecode() – 解碼 uuencoded 的字符串

convert_uuencode() – 對字符串進行 uuencode

curl_copy_handle() – 複製一個 cURL 句柄及其所有參數

dba_key_split() – 把一個鍵分隔爲字符串數組

dbase_get_header_info() – 取得 dBase 數據庫的頭部信息

dbx_fetch_row() – 獲取結果集中被設置爲 DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED 的行

fbsql_set_password() – 修改指定用戶的密碼

file_put_contents() – 向一個文件內寫入字符串

ftp_alloc() – 爲準備上傳的文件分配空間

get_declared_interfaces() – 以數組的形式返回所有已定義的接品

get_headers() – 獲取服務器響應 HTTP 請求時的所有頭部信息

headers_list() – 返回所有已發送或準備發送響應頭部列表

http_build_query() – 生成一個已經過 URL 編碼的請求字符串

image_type_to_extension() – 根據 getimagesize(), exif_read_data(), exif_thumbnail(), exif_imagetype() 所返回的 image-type 取得文件名後綴

imagefilter() – 對圖像應用濾鏡

imap_getacl() – 獲取指定郵箱的 ACL

ldap_sasl_bind() – 使用 SASL 綁定到 LDAP 目錄

mb_list_encodings() – 以數組的形式返回所支持的全部字符集

pcntl_getpriority() – 獲得任意一個進程的優先級

pcntl_wait() – Waits on or returns the status of a forked child as defined by the waitpid() system call

pg_version() – 返回一個包含客戶端、協議和服務器版本的數組

php_check_syntax() – 檢查指定文件的語法

php_strip_whitespace() – 返回已經去除注釋和空白的源代碼

proc_nice() – 修改當前進程的優前級

pspell_config_data_dir() – 修改語言文件的位置

pspell_config_dict_dir() – 修改主要單詞列表的位置

setrawcookie() – 發送一個沒有經過 url 編碼的 cookie 值

scandir() – 列中指定目錄中的所有子目錄和文件

snmp_read_mib() – 在一個可用的 MIB 樹中讀取和分板一個 MIB 文件

sqlite_fetch_column_types() – 以數組的形式返回一張表中的列類型

注意: Tidy 擴展庫的 API 也作了重大調整


PHP 5 在 php.ini 中引進了一些新指令。列表如下:

mail.force_extra_parameters – 强制指定的參數附加值作爲額外的參數傳遞給 sendmail 庫。這些參數總是會替換掉 mail() 的第 5 個參數,即使在安全模式下

register_long_arrays – 允許/禁止 PHP 注册已過時的 $HTTP_*_VARS 變量

session.hash_function – 選擇一種散列函數(MD5 或 SHA-1)

session.hash_bits_per_character – 定義將二進制散列數據轉換爲可讀格式時每個字符中儲存幾個位(從 4 到 6)

zend.ze1_compatibility_mode – 啓用 Zend Engline 1 代(PHP 4)兼容模式


關于數據庫(MySQL 和 SQLite)在 PHP 5 中有些改變。

PHP 5 中不再綁定 MySQL 客戶端連接庫,因爲授權和一些其它問題。

有個新擴展庫 MySQLi(改良版 MySQL),設計用來工作于 MySQL 4.1 及更高版本之下。

自 PHP 5 起,SQLite 擴展庫內置在 PHP 中。SQLite 是一個可嵌入 SQL 數據庫引擎,不是客戶端連接庫用來連接大型數據庫服務器(如 MySQL 或 PostgreSQL)的。SQLite 庫直接讀寫磁盤上的數據庫文件。


PHP 5 中有個新對象模型(Object Model)。PHP處理對象的方式完全重寫了,允許更佳性能和更多特性。之前版本的 PHP,對象處理方式和原始類型(例如整型和字符串)相同。此方法的缺點是當變量被賦值或作爲參數傳遞給方法時語義上整個對象都被拷貝。在新方法中,對象通過句柄引用,而不是值(可以將句柄當成是對象的標識符)。




Difference with  PHP5 and PHP4

One , not 100% backwards compatible

Although most of the php5 in PHP4 code should be able to run without modification , or should be aware of the following changes are not backward compatible :

With some new keywords.

strrpos () and strripos () now use the entire string as a needle.

Illegal use of string offsets causes E_ERROR instead of E_WARNING example of an illegal use : $ str = ‘abc’; unset ($ str [0]);..

array_merge () was changed to accept only arrays. If passed into non- array variable , issue a E_WARNING message for each of these parameters are . Be careful because your code may be issued crazy E_WARNING.

PATH_TRANSLATED server variable in Apache2 SAPI is no longer secretly set , and PHP 4 in this case the contrary, if Apache does not produce this value then the SCRIPT_FILENAME server variable is set and the same value . This change was made to comply with the CGI specification. For more information reference manual $ _SERVER [‘PATH_TRANSLATED’] description . This problem also affects PHP> = version 4.3.2 .

Tokenizer extension is no longer defined T_ML_COMMENT constant. If error_reporting set to E_ALL, PHP will generate a message. Although T_ML_COMMENT never used before, or defined in PHP 4 it. In PHP 4 and PHP 5 / / and are resolved to T_COMMENT constant. But PHPDoc style comments , starting PHP 5 are parsed by PHP , are identified as T_DOC_COMMENT.

If variables_order including “S”, $ _SERVER should be generated with argc and argv . If the user does not create a system specially formulated $ _SERVER, then of course it would not exist. Variables_order change is that no matter how local settings, CLI version argc and argv are always available. CLI version will always produce the global variables $ argc and $ argv ‘s .

Object with no properties is no longer considered “empty”.

In some cases classes must be defined before use. It is only in use for some of the new features of PHP 5 ( such as interfaces) occurs when . Other circumstances have not changed behavior .

get_class (), get_parent_class () and get_class_methods () now returns the class name and the name of the method of definition / agreement ( case-sensitive ) , rely on the previous behavior ( class / method name always returns lowercase ) old scripts may cause problems . One possible solution is to search all of these functions in the script Bing use strtolower ().

Case-sensitive change also applies to the magic constant __CLASS__, __METHOD__ and __FUNCTION__. Whose values ​​are in strict accordance with the definition of the name returned ( case-sensitive ) .

ip2long () when passed into an illegal IP as an argument returns FALSE, instead of -1 .

If there are functions defined in the included file, regardless of whether these functions can be irrelevant before or after return () instruction in the main file . If the file is included twice , PHP 5 issues fatal error because functions were already declared , while PHP 4 does this . Therefore recommended to use include_once () instead of going to check whether the file was already included and conditionally return inside the included file.

include_once () and require_once () in the Windows path first standardized, and therefore contains A.php and a.php the file contains only once .

Examples : strrpos () and strripos () now use the entire string as a needle


Example: object with no properties is no longer considered “empty”


Example: In some cases classes must be defined before use


Two , CLI and CGI

PHP 5, the CLI and CGI files masterpieces for some change. In PHP 5 , CGI version was renamed to php-cgi.exe ( previously php.exe), now home directory is the CLI version (previously cli / php.exe).

PHP 5 introduced a new model in : php-win.exe This CLI version of the same , except that php-win does not output anything , it does not provide console ( not flashed “dos window ” on the screen ) . This behavior is similar to php-gtk.

In PHP 5 , CLI version will always produce the global variable $ argv and $ argc regardless of how the set of php.ini . Even if register_argc_argv set off does not affect the CLI.

See the command line mode.

Third, the transplant profile

Since the ISAPI module to change the name from php4xxx to php5xxx, and therefore need to make some changes to the configuration file . CLI and CGI filenames have changed. For more information , please see the appropriate section.

Porting Apache configuration is extremely simple. See the example below to check needs to be done to modify :

Example: Transplant Apache configuration file to PHP 5

# The following line : LoadModule php4_module / php/sapi/php4apache2.dll # change this line : LoadModule php5_module / php/php5apache2.dll

If the web server is running PHP in CGI mode , you should pay attention to the CGI version of the name from php.exe to php-cgi.exe in Apache , you should change as such :

Example: Transplant Apache configuration file to PHP 5, CGI mode

# The following line : Action application / x-httpd-php “/ php / php.exe” # change this line : Action application / x-httpd-php “/ php / php-cgi.exe”

Other web servers , the need to modify the CGI or ISAPI module name .

Fourth, the new function

PHP 5 has some new functions. Here is a list :


array_combine () – with an array as keys , another array as the value of creating a new array

() array_diff_uassoc – the difference between an array of computing , Bing additional index check with the user-supplied callback function

() array_udiff – the difference between using a callback function to calculate the array comparative data

array_udiff_assoc () – Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check Bing . Using a callback function to compare the data

array_udiff_uassoc () – Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check Bing . Comparison of the data and index checks are done using a callback function

array_walk_recursive () – for each member of the array using a user function recursively

array_uintersect_assoc () – the intersection of arrays with additional index of Bing checks . Using a callback function to compare the data

array_uintersect_uassoc () – the intersection of arrays with additional index of Bing checks . Data and indexes are compared by using a callback function

array_uintersect () – to calculate the intersection of arrays . Using a callback function to compare the data


The number before returning a query affected rows – ibase_affected_rows ()

ibase_backup () – initiate a background task in the service manager immediately returned Bing

ibase_commit_ret () – commits a transaction without closing

ibase_db_info () – Request statistics about a database

ibase_drop_db () – delete a database

ibase_errcode () – returns an error code

ibase_free_event_handler () – Cancels a registered event handler

ibase_gen_id () – increments specified generator Bing returns its new value

ibase_maintain_db () – on the database server to perform a maintenance command

ibase_name_result () – assign a name to a result set

ibase_num_params () – Returns the number of parameters in a prepared query

ibase_param_info () – Returns a prepared query parameter information

ibase_restore () – initiate a restore task in the service manager immediately returned Bing

ibase_rollback_ret ​​() – Rewind the context of a transaction Bing reserved Affairs

ibase_server_info () – Request statistics about a database server

ibase_service_attach () – connect to the service manager

ibase_service_detach () – Disconnect from the service manager

ibase_set_event_handler () – Register a callback function to be called when the event is published

ibase_wait_event () – Wait for the database publishing an event


iconv_mime_decode () – decode MIME header field

iconv_mime_decode_headers () – once decode multiple MIME header field

iconv_mime_encode () – Compression MIME header field

iconv_strlen () – Returns the string character count

iconv_strpos () – find the first occurrence of the substring position in the stack

iconv_strrpos () – find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in the stack

iconv_substr () – Remove a portion from a string


stream_copy_to_stream () – Copy data from one stream to another stream

stream_get_line () – read a line of a given flow in the separator

stream_socket_accept () – accepts consisting stream_socket_server () establish a socket connection

stream_socket_client () – Open an Internet connection or socket Unix domain

stream_socket_get_name () – Get the name of a local or remote sockets

stream_socket_recvfrom () – retrieve data from socket ( regardless of whether the connection has been established )

stream_socket_sendto () – Send a message to the socket ( regardless of whether the connection has been established )

stream_socket_server () – to establish an Internet or Unix domain server socket

Date / Time:

idate () – Format a local into an integer between

date_sunset () – to calculate the date and place specified in the Sunset

date_sunrise () – T is calculated by a specified date and place of the sunrise time

time_nanosleep () – Several Ting Chi Cheng seconds and perform a number of nanoseconds


str_split () – put a string into an array

strpbrk () – in a search string in a given character set of any one character

substr_compare () – in binary form to compare two strings , the first string from offset start until the end when it reaches a length of length , you can customize whether the comparison is case sensitive


convert_uudecode () – decoding uuencoded string

convert_uuencode () – uuencode strings

curl_copy_handle () – Copy a cURL handle all its parameters

dba_key_split () – put a delimited string array

dbase_get_header_info () – get the header information dBase database

dbx_fetch_row () – Get the result set rows are set to DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED

fbsql_set_password () – modify the specified user’s password

file_put_contents () – write a string to a file

ftp_alloc () – allocate space for files uploaded to prepare

get_declared_interfaces () – Returns an array of all defined access products

get_headers () – get the server to respond to all HTTP request headers when

headers_list () – Returns a list of all the response has been sent or is ready to send the head

http_build_query () – has been generating a URL -encoded query string

image_type_to_extension () – According to getimagesize (), exif_read_data (), exif_thumbnail (), exif_imagetype () which returns the image-type get filename suffix

imagefilter () – apply a filter to the image

imap_getacl () – Gets the specified mailbox ACL

ldap_sasl_bind () – Bind to LDAP directory using SASL

mb_list_encodings () – Returns an array of all character sets are supported

pcntl_getpriority () – get any priority of a process

pcntl_wait () – Waits on or returns the status of a forked child as defined by the waitpid () system call

pg_version () – Returns an array of client and server versions of the agreement included

syntax check of the specified file – php_check_syntax ()

php_strip_whitespace () – Returns comment has been removed and a blank source code

proc_nice () – modify the current process of gifted pre-

Location modify the language file – () pspell_config_data_dir

modify the position of the main word list – () pspell_config_dict_dir

setrawcookie () – Send a cookie without url encoded value

scandir () – column specified directories and files in all subdirectories

snmp_read_mib () – available in a MIB tree, and the scoreboard read a MIB file

sqlite_fetch_column_types () – Returns an array of the type of a table column

Note : Tidy extension repository API also made significant adjustments

Fifth, the new directive

PHP 5 introduced some new directive in php.ini . List is as follows :

mail.force_extra_parameters – Forced specified parameters passed to sendmail library added as an additional parameter. These parameters will always replace the mail () in the first five parameters , even in safe mode

register_long_arrays – enable / disable PHP registered obsolete variable $ HTTP_ * _VARS

session.hash_function – Select a hash function (MD5 or SHA-1)

session.hash_bits_per_character – define each character will be stored in several binary bit hash data into a readable format ( from 4-6 )

zend.ze1_compatibility_mode – Enable Zend Engline 1 generations (PHP 4) compatibility mode

Sixth, the database

About Database (MySQL and SQLite) some changes in PHP 5 .

PHP 5 no longer bundles MySQL client library , as authorized , and some other problems.

There under in MySQL 4.1 and later new extensions MySQLi ( improved version of MySQL), is designed to work one .

Since PHP 5 , SQLite extensions built- in PHP. SQLite is an embeddable SQL database engine , not a client library used to connect to a large database server ( such as MySQL or PostgreSQL) ‘s . SQLite library to read and write directly to the database files on disk.

Seven new object model

There is a new PHP 5 object model (Object Model). PHP way of handling objects completely rewritten , allowing for better performance and more features . Prior versions of PHP, objects were handled like primitive types ( such as integers and strings ) the same . The disadvantage of this method is that when a variable is assigned or as the whole object parameter passed to the method are copy semantics. In the new method, the object referenced by the handle , not the value ( as is the identifier can handle objects ) .

It *** a href = / html / php ‘> PHP programmer did not realize this copy quirks old object model, so most will be able to run PHP applications used , or only very minor modifications .

See the document ” object class ” new object model.



這裏有一個問題,可以看到實際上openvz因爲免去了大量的公共開銷,理論上來說性能會比xen更好。爲什麽大家都會認爲openvz過分壓榨性能呢?我認爲是因爲openvz配置起來比較靈活,給黑心 openvz服務商改低限制的機會。
比如mediatemple,號稱512M內存的dv方案,kmemsize才12M,不瞭解的人看了512M覺得很哈皮啊,可是使用的時候一般這512M能分到你手裏一半就不錯了。此消彼長,所以才會有xen 能更好地利用機器性能的錯覺。
首先當OpenVZ的主機說“256MB的保證”,它實際上意味著約232MB的“privvmpages”,14M的“kmemsize”和其他雜項資源。當應用程序調用 malloc()分配的內存將被添加到“privvmpages”。
當“privvmpages”超過限制,malloc()將失敗幷返回一個NULL。當主機服務器內存用光了,然後虛擬環境下的進程超過 “oomguarpages”的將被終止。
/proc/meminfo 本身也有問題。雖然OpenVZ的已經爲內存進行了虛擬,但是用”free”命令依然會返回主機的內存。這樣就會使小內存的openvz的vps無法運行諸如java或者gcc編譯這樣的程序。
OpenVZ的內存模型的優點是, 它容易理解: 你幾乎就只有privvmpages受限。與專用的服務器或Xen的服務器不一樣的是,你的磁盤高速緩存和頁面緩存幷不計入您的總內存使用情况。因此,在一個沒有過度銷售的openvz主機上,由于擁有較大冗余的公共資源,它實際上可能會比同類規格的Xen的VPS表現更佳。
此外,當內存不足時,VPS會使用Swap。一般每個VPS帶有兩倍大小的交換分區,當您的應用需要更多的內存,不常使用的頁面從內存中被換出到交換分區,從而騰出使更多的房間。因此,256MB的Xen的VPS系統實際上共有768MB內存(256MB內存+ 512MB的交換空間),請相信我,交換空間是非常有用的,特別是處理突發的需求高峰時。
• dhry2reg 內存的register性能
• whetstone-double 雙精度浮點性能
• execl execl call性能
• fstime 文件系統性能
• fsbuffer 文件系統性能
• fsdisk 文件系統性能
• pipe 管道(pipe)的性能
• context1 管道上下文切換的性能
• spawn 創建進程的性能
• shell shell幷發性能
• syscall 系統調用性能


Openvz and Xen technical specifications analysis
The difference 1.Xen with Openvz
Xen and Openvz same mainframe virtualization technology , the difference is that Xen paravirtualization technology that Bing is not a true virtual machine , but the equivalent of running its own instance of a kernel , kernel modules can be loaded free virtual memory and IO, stable and predictable . Openvz is operating system -level virtualization technology, is a layer of applications on the underlying operating system , which means easy to understand and a low weight overhead , generally means better performance .
There is a problem , because you can see that in fact openvz eliminates a lot of public spending , in theory, the performance will be better than xen. Why do we all think too much press openvz performance? I think it is because it is more flexible openvz configuration , change to black heart openvz service providers the opportunity to lower limits .
For example mediatemple, known as 512M of memory dv program , kmemsize only 12M, 512M think people do not understand looked very Happy ah , but it is generally used in this 512M half could be assigned to your hand pretty good . Shift, so will have to make better use xen machine performance illusion.
2.Openvz core model
First, when the OpenVZ host says “256MB of guarantee” , it actually means about 232MB of “privvmpages”, 14M of “kmemsize” and other miscellaneous resources. When an application calls malloc () allocated memory will be added to the “privvmpages”.
When “privvmpages” over the limit , malloc () will fail Bing returns a NULL. When the host server memory runs out , then the process of virtual environments over “oomguarpages” will be terminated.
OpenVZ memory management methods have the advantage of both problems . One of the biggest problems is the memory and application memory capacity actually used by the application is assigned to a different memory , different applications can be significant differences between them . In Java , for example, it usually allocates a chunk of memory, however, it may use only a fraction of the allocated memory. If privvmpages limited , java will immediately stop running. Adjustment parameters can solve part of the problem , but it is absolutely no Xen handled more cleanly . In fact, almost all applications use memory allocation will affect this problem by OpenVZ .
/ proc / meminfo itself a problem. While OpenVZ has been carried out for the virtual memory , but with a “free” command will still be returned to the host memory. This will make the vps openvz small memory can not run as java or gcc compiler such procedures .
Advantages OpenVZ memory model is that it is easy to understand : you can almost only privvmpages limited. With a dedicated server or Xen server is not the same as your disk cache and page cache Bing does not count toward your total memory usage. Therefore, on a no overselling the openvz host , as has a large redundant public resources , it may actually perform better than the Xen VPS similar specifications .
3.Xen memory model
Xen system model is more easily explained. The Xen VPS 256MB 256MB is like a dedicated server – the memory segment is reserved for dedicated VPS , no other VPS to use this part of the memory , it’s like a real dedicated server.
In addition, when there is insufficient memory , VPS will use the Swap. Generally speaking, each VPS has twice the size of the swap partition , if your application requires more memory , infrequently used pages from memory to be swapped out to the swap partition, thus freeing make more room. Therefore , 256MB of Xen VPS system is actually a total of 768MB of RAM (256MB RAM + 512MB swap space ) , believe me , swap space is very useful , especially when you deal with sudden spikes in demand .
So to say , Xen is always much better than OpenVZ? Otherwise , you can use the VPS theory 256MB up to 768MB of memory , but in fact the core , the cache buffer memory for all of them . This part of the overhead is also considerable. Further , Swap seriously degrade performance .
4 . Stability and predictability
When memory is exhausted , xen and openvz performance to differ materially . xen will not commonly used memory pages swapped Swap, which will greatly reduce performance when Swap are exhausted , then the system will respond xen increasingly slowly, like a real server.
And openvz memory exhaustion once , then sudden death : not to open a new program , can only wait for the system resources are available . What is more , had to run the program may also be because of the continuing good growth over the limit , then sudden death. It’s like drove 70 yards, then suddenly hit the wall on the general will die miserable .
There is no doubt on this point I tend xen technology , predictable and stable.
5 Conclusion
If xen and openvz as expensive , I’m sure choose xen, because predictability, even openvz hit 8-fold , I still pursue stable.
To summarize the above , then , leads to several conclusions :
1, XEN host to buyers than openvz more favorable , such as 512M of memory allocated to you after this part of the memory on the server from scratch specifically to you , others will not be able to use , and openvz is shared memory , such as allocated to you 512M RAM is the maximum you can use 512M memory, for example, you take up a 200M memory , then only allocate 200M to you from the object memory, so the seller is very easy on the server above oversold !
2, openvz more efficient , xen underlying virtual hardware , closer to the real server, and virtual openvz operating system , virtual service itself occupies less memory and higher efficiency the same procedure !
3 , if the purchase openvz should see if the seller will oversold , you should choose a good reputation does not expressly stated oversold
4 , if the purchase xen host , should also concern swap size
5, the test VPS host performance using Unixbench ( many people do not know ) , this thing is very popular abroad !
This is a description of some of its parameters
• dhry2reg register memory performance
• whetstone-double double- precision floating-point performance
• execl execl call performance
• fstime file system performance
• fsbuffer file system performance
• fsdisk file system performance
• pipe conduit (pipe) performance
Performance • context1 pipeline context switching
• spawn the process to create performance
• shell shell Bing hair Performance
• syscall system call performance
6, VPS uses: server , softswitch , agents and reverse proxy , offline BT download , etc.
7 usually under normal conditions of use, performance should be little difference between the two .



現在虛擬化技術非常流行,本文介紹基于OpenVZ平臺下的虛擬化配置安裝,以及Vtonf Web界面管理虛擬機應用。
1、第一次在CentOS中添加openVZ repository
rpm –import
cp openvz.repo /etc.recpo.d
yum install ovzkernel
3、編輯文件 /etc/systcl.conf
打開文件 /etc/systcl.conf
vi /etc/systcl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.proxy_arp = 0
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
kernel.sysrq = 1
net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
vi /etc/selinux/config
yum install vzctl vzquota
service vz restart
mkdir -p /vz/template/cache
cd /vz/template/cache
[root@localhost cache]# wget
–2010-06-27 16:55:33–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 39641862 (38M) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: `slackware-13.0-i386-minimal.tar.gz’
100%[===============================================================>] 39,641,862 4.48M/s in 14s
2010-08-09 16:55:47 (2.71 MB/s) – `slackware-13.0-i386-minimal.tar.gz’ saved [39641862/39641862]
假如虛擬機名爲:VPS ossscn
vzctl create ossscn –ostemplate slackware-13.0-i386-minimal –config basic
Creating container private area (slackware-13.0-i386-minimal)
Performing postcreate actions
Container private area was created
[root@localhost cache]# vzctl set ossscn –onboot yes –saveSaved parameters for CT 102make a Hostname for The machien:vzctl set 102 –hostname –saveGive Ip adress to the machine:
[root@localhost cache]# vzctl set 102 –ipadd –saveSaved parameters for CT 102
[root@localhost cache]#
vzctl start
ossscn Starting container …Container is mountedAdding IP address(es): CPU units: 1000Set hostname: Hackers.example.comContainer start in progress..
vzctl exec ossscn passwd
New password: 123456
Re-enter new password: 123456
Changing password for root
Enter the new password (minimum of 5, maximum of 127 characters)Please use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.Password changed
vzctl enter 102
entered into CT ossscn
root@Hackers:/# cat /etc/slackware-version
Stop of start or Exit
More commands :
To restart use : vzctl restart
To stop use : vzctl stop
to destroy the vm machine user : vzctl destro ossscn
For more commands use :vzctl -help
三、爲OpenVZ安裝Vtonf Web管理界面
cd /tmp
tar xvfz vtonfinstaller.1.0-beta1.tar.gz
cd vtonfinstaller.x.x-beta1
用戶名 : admin
密碼 : admin

Windows2003 端口映射 至 VMware中的Linux

Windows2003 端口映射 至 VMware中的Linux

在實體主機中安裝VMware 架設CentOS


後來說發現錯誤就錯在, CentOS的網路設定, 它的GateWay設定要跟VMnet8的IP是一樣的!!!

假設你的VMnet8 IP位置是:
那你CentOS中的GateWay就要填寫192.168.200.1, 不要填192.168.200.0或192.168.200.2



免費的日本VPN服務 突破防火牆的封鎖(破解公司、宿網的限制!)

免費的日本VPN服務 突破防火牆的封鎖(破解公司、宿網的限制!)

前篇文章在CentOS 安裝 OpenVPN 指南有提到在Linux上安裝VPN來突破防火牆封鎖,




