VMware incompatible hypervisor 解決方法

VMware incompatible hypervisor 解決方法

最近在一台 Win2003的VPS上,打算在裡面安裝VMware架設Linux,
這樣就可以用一台VPS 同時跑win和Linux.
結果發現在Win上的VMware 啟動虛擬機時會出現這樣的錯誤
「You are running VMware Workstation via an incompatible hypervisor. You may not power on a virtual machine until this hypervisor is disabled.」

To get this VMware Player VM running inside an Amazon EC2 instance, all I needed to do was edit the instance.vmx file and add the following line to it:
vmx.allowNested = “TRUE”

就是到VM虛擬機的目錄裡面,找到xxxx.vmx 用筆記本打開修改,在最底下加入這行
vmx.allowNested = “TRUE”


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